Radio Broadcasts

The Lord has given us many tools to spread the Gospel. Tracts, books, CDs, webpages, testimonies, witnessing, and singing have all lead souls to the Lord Jesus. One of the common methods that is getting more popular in the African countries is by sponsoring radio time.

Brother Davison Mwanza, VGR Librarian in northern Zambia, and his church sponsored a local radio broadcast, and they are seeing the results. Here is his most recent report.

Greetings in the wonderful Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is a testimony that will be a blessing to you and all that would read it. Yesterday, I went again to broadcast the Message, "Demonology Physical Realm," Bemba translated. Today, in the morning when I went to the VGR library, two Apostolic Faith church elders came with a testimony that touched me very much.

They said this Message is the Truth, and Brother Branham is a prophet of God. Then they requested for some books and tracts for distribution in the village around Isoka township. They said they want to testify to as many people as possible and give them the tracts and books. We gave them the translated tracts, “Jesus Christ Is God,” and “Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today and Forever,” and some books which they needed for reading. They said they will be coming to our Library to get more materials for witnessing in the surrounding villages.

This radio broadcast of the Message of God’s prophet Brother Branham is a powerful, great, inspiring, evangelistic ministry that God is honoring in this area. Your continual prayers for this tape ministry here will let the hand of God to open the door for this Message in far jungle areas for God’s elect in there.

We love you and do pray for you always.

May Gods grace be multiplied to you all,

Sincerely, your fellow Bride of Christ,

Davison Mwanza