The Pull

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Mark 11:24

This sister felt the pull to go to church that evening, and little did she know, the Lord had something very special waiting for her.

I would like to share a testimony of the Lord healing me.

I have had severe stomach pain for the last six years that would make me double over and hardly be able to move when the pain would come. I have been to the doctors and had ultrasounds done, only to tell me they can't find anything. I have also been prayed for a few different times at church, but the pain would still come about twice a month.

A few months ago, on a Sunday, my daughter was sick with the flu so I stayed home with her. About 12:00 that afternoon I felt such an urgency to go to church, so I went and asked my daughter if she thought she would be okay if we went and she said yes. That evening we listened to the tape “Mary's Belief."

At the end of the tape Brother Branham called out a lady with stomach trouble, and I knew it was for me. I closed my eyes and could feel the presence of the Lord coming towards me, and then I felt His healing touch flow through my body.

Satan has tried to put the pain back on me but I claim my healing out loud and it leaves right away. I just want to thank the Lord for my healing. I am so thankful to have a pastor that believes in listening to the prophet of God in church and encourages us to listen to tapes at home.

God bless,

Sis Robyn