That's the way to win the war. Keep trying. Throw the shell in and pull it. You got a purpose, a target to hit. And if it don't go off, throw it out, and throw another one in, and try it again. Throw it in and try it again, till one goes off. There's one of them in there that's alive, and one of them will go off. But that's the way we got to do. Just keep firing away, firing away, until something happens.
62-0601 Taking Sides With Jesus
This sister kept firing away. It may have taken decades, but she finally hit her bull’s-eye.
I heard of this Message back in 1973 and knew it was the truth. It was 38 years later that it fell from my head to my soul, and all my drugs, drinking, smoking, and sinful life – 18 years of smoking and drinking went away – no more desire to smoke. Today I am in training, getting in service to fight for the LORD and wouldn’t trade it for nothing in this world. It’s bubbling up in my soul. If GOD can save me who was pig, He can save you. Keep shooting at the target, and even if you miss, one day you will hit a bull’s-eye.
Sister Renee