The Impossible

After reading the excerpt from the Lifeline on the VOG Website on 12/28 and also Brother Joseph's comments, I felt compelled to share this testimony.

My brother in-law and sister reside in Jeffersonville, near VOG. Both are Christians. Somewhere a little over two years ago, Jim entered the hospital for heart issues, and real serious life-threatening problems developed from what was supposed to be a fairly normal procedure.

The procedure went so wrong that Jim's chest cavity was left open for three days and things were touch-and-go. At my sister's request, I called the VOG prayer line (our good old standby, that very present help in a time of trouble). The Lord answered prayer and Jim was able to go home, although not without serious side effects, one being his kidneys no longer functioned properly.

Jim told me he would rather die than have to take dialysis the rest of his life. He was very depressed and asked me to again call VOG prayer line. The people at dialysis advised Jim, chances were slim to none that his kidneys would ever function properly again. Lo and behold after a period of time his kidneys began to register in the normal range until he was told he no longer needed dialysis. The Lord had answered prayer on Jim's behalf again. Jim asked me to call the VOG and let all there to know how grateful he was for those prayers.

Before going to Surgery Jim had cataracts removed, resulting in 20/20 vision. During the surgery his blood pressure was allowed to drop dangerously low which caused him to lose his vision. Jim has always been an active mechanic, fixing, tinkering restoring kind of fellow, and he also loved to drive his pickup. Now he is totally without sight, having to be attended by his wife and led around.

He saw eye specialists who concluded that because of the blood pressure dropping so low during his operation, his chances of seeing again were about nil. They said that if there was no improvement in his sight in a year, it would not happen. Time passed and Jim went to see an eye doctor whose specialty was fitting people with a kind of microscope glasses. They fitted him with a pair that did give him some vision, although very limited. He could still only sit around with hardly any vision. He asked me to call VOG and quite a bit of time passed with no change in his vision. I began to think there was not going to be any change. Then one night I get a call from him and he was beside himself, telling me he could see again. I don’t mind saying I was floored and it was hard to believe at first, it had been so long.

He told me he began asking the Lord if he could see the picture of the Lord they had hanging on the wall. He said he began to see the frame some, and then began seeing vehicles passing on the road near his house. He then saw the clock and what time it was. He told his wife and understandably she cautioned him to not get to excited. Jim said he knew then his vision was restored.

He went to one of his eye doctors and they would not give him an eye test, saying they did not want to take his money, thinking he had false hope. He then went to Wal-Mart had an eye test, was fitted with regular prescription glasses, and then went on to the License Bureau to get his driver's license renewed. At the License Bureau Jim was discouraged when he failed the eye test. He went back to Wal-Mart and was told his eyes were able to pass a driver's eye test. Jim went back to the License Bureau, relating to them what he had done. They checked their machine and found it was out of calibration. He retook his drivers test and has his drivers license today.

Again the Lord undertook and answered prayer on his behalf. Through some very trying times Jim continued to believe. He said he could not find words to express the gratitude thankfulness that he felt in his heart to the Lord. I said well not to worry I’m sure the Lord knows how you feel. Jim said to be sure and tell all who prayed that he thanks you from the bottom of his heart. God richly bless and I hope others who may hear of this who are in desperate situations may be encouraged in their hearts, knowing that nothing is to hard for our Lord. All praise and glory to His Precious Name, He truly is Hebrews 13:8.

Brother Robert,

Houston, TX