The Evidence Of The Resurrection

What does the Word mean to us? It’s our salvation, our joy, our love, our healing; it’s everything to us. This sister was completely deaf in one ear, and started to feel that the Lord was healing her. You can probably guess the first thing she listened to in that once-deaf ear.

Although I don't even feel worthy to email you, I want to give my testimony because by HIS grace, after years of being backslidden, He has brought me back to His Word and is healing me spiritually and physically. Praise God!

As a child I was diagnosed as being stone deaf in my right ear, which means I could hear nothing at all. With technology progressing, as time passed, I thought I should have my ear tested again, but again the same diagnosis.

After being deaf in one ear for 49 years, I was listening to Brother Branham's message, The Evidence Of The Resurrection 58-0406E. He said “If there's anyone here that was deaf in one ear, put your finger in the good ear and hear out of the bad one.” I put my finger in my good ear, thanked the Lord, and thought no more about it. About a week later I scratched my right ear and thought I heard the scratching sound, but still ignored it.

On the evening of Nov. 11, 2012, I was listening to a message on a smart phone and put the speaker up to my right ear. I could hear brother Branham's voice! I started to cry and praise His Name! There truly is no other voice I would rather hear! The Lord is restoring my hearing! Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever!

God richly bless you all!

Sister Sherry