I have a testimony that this reminds me of. I was about seventeen years old at the time. I had lots of trouble with my stomach (the Upper GI said it was gastritis). I had been three days without eating more than bread, crackers, and drinking milk. I was weak and felt low in faith.
There was a precious sister in Alaska named Sister Ruby that would stick with a prayer until the Lord lifted the burden. So I asked the Lord to put a burden on Sister Ruby to pray for me. That was about midday on Thursday. Friday night, I finally had full relief and ate a normal supper.
On Sunday I walked over to her cabin after service. She looked at me and got a perplexed look. I asked her what was wrong. She said, "Well you look just fine." I asked what she meant by that, and she told how on Thursday and Friday something seemed to be continually saying urgently, "Pray for Annie, pray for Annie." I then told her how I had asked the Lord to put the burden on her heart and how I was finally able to eat normally on Friday night. We both had to marvel at how God moves.
God bless you.
In Christ,