Alaska Earthquake

11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath.

Psalm 90:11

The following is a testimony sent in from a family of believers who experienced the recent earthquake in Alaska.

As you might have heard, on Friday, November 30th, Anchorage Alaska was shaken with a M7.0 Earthquake.

Our home is located in Eagle River, and we were about 10 miles from the earthquake's epicenter. My wife, Michelle and I were both born and raised in Alaska, and have been through numerous earthquakes. I was here during the 1964 Good Friday earthquake that Bro. Branham refers to on the tapes, but I was too young to remember it.

This recent earthquake was the most severe that my wife and I can remember in terms of violence and duration. We have experienced thousands of aftershocks since then, and it has been less than a week.

Our house was not damaged, which was a blessing considering how many roads, houses, and buildings were damaged. We did get shook hard and books, pictures, and other objects were all over the floor, including some broken objects.

During the quake the power went out, and we were in pitch darkness due to the time of the morning. When I got a flashlight to inspect the damage, every picture on the wall was askew or on the floor with the exception of Bro. Branham and the Pillar of Fire, and the Hoffman's Head pictures. They were both unmoved and perfectly level!

As I was further inspecting the home, it was just getting twilight outside and I noticed hundreds of little birds in our front yard occupying our Siberian Pea Pod bush.

I didn't think much of it at first as my wife and I were still in shock. We had a significant first aftershock of a M5.8, and that's when my wife said, "look at all of the birds!" there were literally hundreds of little birds flocking to our home and hiding up under the eaves.

That is when I remembered Bro. Branham speaking of an earthquake and all of the birds and animals flying to the center of a field to get away from the walls.

I thought that the birds must have felt safe at our home, perhaps His presence and the Holy Angels made them feel safe. To have the Token applied to our lives and homes in this hour is so important.

Lord help us all!


Bro. and Sis. Bates
