
Here are a few feedbacks from some of the recent articles we have posted on branham.org. As always, we appreciate you taking the time to leave your comments. Not only does it encourage us, but it also helps us do a better job in serving you. 

Oh, my! Just like the lily in the mud. I can't wait to read part two when the S-O-N strikes the seed. Praise the Lord!

Sitting here crying, knowing, and anticipating God's AMAZING GRACE to come to the forefront in part 2!

You just got to the good part! That’s like stopping a Tape half way! I can't wait to read how this ends! What a Mighty God we serve!

I have been blessed by this testimony, it has really helped me to be serious and rededicate my life to Him.

You truly blessed me, sister. This was really God who searched and found you to serve Him; I was really touched. May God also help me to learn forgiveness in such depths.

Oh, what a precious Lord we serve who can take a sinner and change him/her to a Christian. Certainly, with God, nothing shall be impossible. I am so blessed with this precious sister's testimony, as I just cannot stop my tears.

We should be so careful to never judge anyone we see at any time, in any condition. If we had seen her in the weeks before her experience, would we have loved her as we do now?

I feel this whole testimony as mine. Though brought up in a Message believing home, I went out seeking pleasure but later on at 19, I gave up and surrendered to Christ. I am fighting on.

Predestination. How can you read this testimony and not believe in it?

Wow! It’s amazing how these letters explain everything that is in my heart, and brings me to tears, as it rekindles the joy of having this Message in my life. It’s like having fellowship with these brothers. I find myself saying “AMEN” as I read them.

I love reading the thoughts of these men and women. I could almost be jealous of the time they have alone with our Lord. We are in prison also, soon though, soon.

Hallelujah! I want to sit across from these brothers at the Wedding Supper, and hear how the Lord found and saved each one of them!

I could read this forever! Thanks for sharing brothers, and don't worry, I have myself already saved a seat for this brother right next to mine!

What a wonderful testimony. It's so encouraging to me as I have been battling with a stomach trouble for a year. People doubt my healing but I'm pressing on, and keeping the faith. It sure is a faith builder to hear this testimony. You will never know how much this has changed me.

Thank you so much for this testimony. Your words of encouragement are a help to me, and I will apply them to my life and trials.

God is so good. I trust you'll all hear a great testimony from us soon too!

This testimony really touched me. I now realize that I need the Lord to deliver me.

Wow, Sis. Christina, I can really relate to your testimony because I just got delivered from the same thing last Sunday during our church meeting.

Thank you for this. It sometimes takes another witness and perspective other than mother's to help our children. Amazing how this testimony goes right with the daily bread and QOTD!

This touches my heart more than I could express. I have a young son and the little things we do are watched. Our example is so very important. This just reminds me what the main thing is!

I never got a true Revelation of this Word until I pushed "PLAY".

That sure did bring a smile on my face! And I’m still grinning!

Well, speak of odd things happening with that little sideways triangle, press play. Don't ask me how this happened. All I know is somehow this started happening. You know when someone sends a text there's a little ding to let you know you got a text message? Fine. But quite often when I open the text message to read it, a tape starts playing. I never set this up, but I know it's important to hear tapes and I'm not that great at playing them, so when a text message somehow starts playing a tape, I almost always leave it going. Praise the Lord!