January Quiz Messages

We are under great anticipation this new year to see what the Lord has in store for His Bride. We don’t have “New Year’s Resolutions”, like the world does, but we do have a resolution. And that is to draw closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, as we move into perfection and await His soon return.

We know that the Message of the hour is the only thing that will bring us into that perfection. By the grace of God, we have been given that revelation, and we want to do all we can to keep that Word before us, and before God’s children.

To start off the new year, we will be playing the messages, “Awakening Jesus” and “Spirit Of Truth” for the January Tape Quizzes.

Brother Branham’s prayer at the Full Gospel Church in Tempe, Arizona really sets the tone for us today. He is once again standing before a little group of people by way of these recorded tapes, putting God’s Word out before us that Christ Jesus still lives.

Our prayer is that It will become more a reality to each of us than ever before.

O Lord, today I tried to shake my soul. I knowed I had to stand before a little group of people up here tonight. And I shake myself. Lord Jesus, waken, come forth. I’ve put Your Word out before the people. It’s brought to a test. Prove to this audience tonight, Lord, that You still live, that You’re still here with us. Your Words are true, “I’m with you always, even to the end of the world.” You’re the same yesterday, today, and forever. You’re still in the ship, Lord, the old ship of Zion that’s carrying us across the troubled seas. And when the devil sweeps a storm down upon us, what difference does it make, as long as He is in the ship? Be with us now, Father. And may You walk right into the hearts of the people tonight.

63-0117 Awakening Jesus

These tape quizzes will be available for the entire month of January for anyone to take and submit your scores. You can CLICK HERE to view the quiz page.

God bless you,

Young Foundations