The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Beloved Bride,

How we’ve been enjoying the earnest of our salvation, which is only our down payment. If the earnest is this wonderful, what will it be like when we get the full price. It’ll be glorious!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish each of you and your family the Lord’s richest blessings during this holiday season.

May we remember what our prophet taught us. It’s not about Santa Claus and giving someone presents, that’s a Catholic dogma. Nor is it about a baby in a manger. We are worshipping a resurrected Jesus Christ, Almighty God, in the Deity of His Son.

On this Christmas Day, at a time of your choosing, may we enjoy the greatest gift that was ever given to man; His Holy Spirit, as He speaks through His prophet to His beloved Bride and brings us the message, God’s Wrapped Gift 60-1225.

Bro. Joseph Branham


Sermon Translations






