The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Children of Light,

How we love to listen to The Word as He addresses Himself to us in His Supreme Deity. “I am He that holds the seven stars in My right Hand; which was dead, and is alive. I am He that hath the sharp sword with two edges. My eyes are like unto a flame of fire and My feet are like fine brass. I am the beginning and the end, both Alpha and Omega. I AM Almighty God.”

Then He tells us how He will send His great angel messenger to us who will be a master in Spirit, and will show us great signs and wonders. He will reveal to us how he will be a perfect overcomer and receive a new name. He will give him a “special revelation” of who He is and will know all about Him. He’ll receive that hidden Manna, that shewbread, then give it to us, His Bride.

He told us how this Elijah will be the very Voice of God to us. He will be the one that His Word will come to, and will have the Divine interpretation of His Word. He will be a great angel of light that will come in power, and will lead us to the Lord Jesus Christ.

He will reveal to us all about that great whore in His Word and how she had children. How she left her first love and become Nicolaitan and pagan. She committed adultery with His Word and now she is spiritually dead and will go through the great tribulation.

But to us, His Bride, He is giving us a REVELATION FROM HEAVEN, and upon this rock He’ll build His Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against It.

How we glow as His Light shines upon us, and tells us we’re like a house on fire on a windy day, slain before the foundation of the world, washed in My Blood, filled with My Spirit, with signs and wonders following. You are My little flock that stayed with My Word.

Let us kneel down in our rooms tonight; just us and Him there, and rejoice and tell Him from the depths of our heart:

I’m so glad I can say I’M ONE OF THEM.

Bro. Joseph