The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Church Without Spot Or Wrinkle,

How thankful we are today for all He has done, and all He is doing for us. When we go to Him in prayer, and try to express what is in our hearts, it is impossible. So, like everything else we do, we turn to the Word, for it is EVERYTHING TO US.

Oh, let’s just bow our head and say: “Father, we love You. We love You. Oh, how we love You! We just thank You, so much, Lord. Oh, our—our poor human hearts cannot express what we feel inside of us, for how You have washed us in Your Own Blood. We were aliens, Lord. We—we loved the things of the world, and we were all—all messed up out there in the things of the world, and You come down by Your grace and reached Your precious holy hands down in the muck of sin that we were, picked us out, chose us, washed us, cleaned us, put a new Spirit in us, and set our affections on things above. How we love You, Lord!”

Your AMAZING GRACE Father. To think YOU chose us, YOU washed us, then YOU placed Your Spirit in us. Yes Lord, We love You!

In this age deceived, that there’s nothing else in the world left for us, Lord. There’s nothing left for the world, it’s—it’s—it’s at the end time. We see by the Bible, every age has gone. We’re now in the end, going out swiftly. Won’t be long till Jesus will be coming. O God, set our hearts afire, don’t let us stand still.

Oh Lord, how thankful we are that You are setting our hearts on fire by revealing Your Word to us like never before. We can see, by the hearing of Your Word, that we are at the end. Scriptures are being fulfilled before our eyes every day.

Lord, from the depths of our heart, this is our prayer:

And now, Lord, I pray that You’ll take our souls in Your hand, wash us, iron us, because It said You was “coming for a Church without spot or wrinkle.” Let the hot iron of the Holy Spirit just press all the wrinkles out of us, and we’re hanging ready for the coming of the Son of man.

Amen and amen.

Bro. Joseph