
And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

John 16:23-24

Our Lord Jesus is a loving Father. He cares for our health, our finances, and even our beloved little pets. This family’s dog wasn’t so insignificant that the Lord didn't notice their request for healing of his body. It shows that He is mindful of everything in our lives.

I’d like to share a little testimony about a Husky dog we own, Diesel, who’s close to 7 years old.

A couple of months ago I noticed he wasn’t acting right. He seemed to be moving slower and tired. A few weeks later he wasn’t moving much at all, lying around most of the time, wouldn’t interact with us. This is not like him at all. I did some poking around on him and found a mass under one of his front legs.

Over the next couple of weeks, the mass grew to something close to, if not bigger, than a grapefruit, not round but oval shaped. His stomach area became very tight, and you couldn’t poke on it. I am not sure what that meant, but I felt something was growing inside his abdomen area. He started limping, his breathing became strained, and from time to time he would whine in pain. He would lay flat out for hours breathing heavily and wouldn't move even when I called his name.

Well, a week ago last Saturday, he had a miserable night. He constantly got up to move trying to find some comfort. Sunday we went to church, as the prayer requests were being mentioned and the congregation started praying for all our needs, I asked the Lord to touch our dog. In my heart, I had just a little bitty tug that I knew the Lord had answered prayer.

When we arrived home that afternoon, Diesel was laying on the floor with his head up looking at us alertly, like all was right with the world. What I’d felt in my heart was then a living reality before my eyes. I told my wife, “The Lord healed Diesel today; he’s going to be alright.” Overnight he became the happy dog he always was. Four days later the mass under his front leg was 1/3 the size, and a couple of days ago it was the size of a golf ball. I’m fully expecting it to be completely gone by this weekend.

Diesel in full health on November 16.

God performed a miracle on a dog, truly friends, God is wonderful, merciful and living amongst us, even in us!

Brother Jeff
