Month In Pictures

Here are some pictures that have been sent in from around the world. Click the images to enlarge.



Baptisms in Cameroon after a Tape service.


Here are some pictures from several Creations activities that were recently held in Cameroon.


Agapao Tablet distribution in Penja and Edéa, Cameroon.


Witnessing in Kumba, Cameroon.


God’s Heroes activity in Cameroon.


Relocating VGR Library in Yaoundé, Cameroon after the previous landlord gave us notice to vacate the building.


Recent projects in Cameroon.



Agapao Tablet distribution in Congo Brazzaville.


Creations activities in Congo Brazzaville.


Witnessing in Kinkala, Congo Brazzaville and Quiet Time.


Bro. Yvon (office manager), Bro. Fredy (assistant) and Bro. Joseph (secretary) from the VGR library located in Pointe Noire, Congo Brazzaville.


Tape Home pictures from Congo.


Democratic Republic Of Congo

Creations activities held in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.


Some brothers and sisters took to the streets to witness to the people in DRC.


Sunday School class in Democratic Republic of Congo.


Here are some pictures from various Tape services in Democratic Republic of Congo.


SD card distribution in Minova, Democratic Republic of Congo.


There were so many amazing Creations classes in DRC these past couple of months. We received an incredible report from the brothers who made the “Speak The Word” pictures you see here, possible. What Red Letter Days those were!


Equatorial Guinea

It was amazing to see so many Believers from around the world participating in the "Tape Home" Creations project.



Creations activities in Gabon.


Baptisms in Gabon.


After 3 young people from a Creations Class in Libreville, Gabon were baptised, someone that was standing near also asked to be baptised.


Here are some pictures from several Creations activities in Gabon.


God’s Heroes activity in Gabon.


We loved all of the amazing classes this precious group had in Gabon.


Ivory Coast

Communion Service in Ivory Coast.



The photos of the small children came from a visit that a Naivasha, Kenya Sunday school class made to the VGR office in Nairobi, about a 55 mile trek. It was a happy day for the little ones, and old alike. This took place on Saturday, November 11, 2023.




Bro. Timothy, a disabled brother from Hyderabad, has a real burden for the local youth to know the Message and understand the importance of hearing the Voice. He follows the Lifeline posts on his Agapao Tablet and does Bible and Message classes with the youth. The YF and Creations projects, and the Cub Corner magazines have been a huge blessing and help to them.


Bro. Sunil Doliya, along with some fellow Brothers at the Royal Seed Church in Ajmer, Rajasthan, India, received 15 Agapao Tablets in the Hindi language for their local congregation. These Tape believing Brothers send a hearty "thank you" to the Bride of Christ, for this big favor of providing the spiritual Food for the Saints there in their local Tape Ministry.


We really enjoyed seeing this group in India journaling for the tape, “A Prisoner.”



Bro. Martinus and the VGR team travelled throughout Bali witnessing to many unbelievers and Pentecostal groups about the Message. They were able to play Tapes to many of the churches, and precious souls accepted the Message and were baptized.



We loved seeing these projects from Thanksgiving and Christmas in the Philippines.



El Salvador

Various Creations projects in El Salvador, along with some amazing Tape Homes!



Thank you Sister for sharing your Tape Homes with us!




Thank you Brother for sharing your worksheets and awesome Tape Homes with us, great job!



Children of all ages were busy on their Tape Homes, just like these precious Believers in France.




"Come Follow Me" Creations Project


We really enjoyed seeing recent projects along with Thanksgiving and Tape Home pictures from Australia.




So many amazing Tape Homes in Brazil!



Beautiful projects, journaling, Thanksgiving and Christmas photos from Colombia.



Creations worksheets, journaling, and this great Tape Home from Ecuador, thank you for sharing with us!



Tape Home pictures from Guyana.



Recent Creations projects from these precious Believers in Paraguay.



Thank you Sister for sharing this with us, that truly looks like a delicious feast!



We always love to see what’s been happening over in Trinidad!



Classes in Venezuela on the Shield of Faith and Boxcar Creations projects. We love how they did their projects! Also this little Brother knows you are never too young to start Creations.



United States


We really enjoyed seeing pictures from our locals here in Indiana, especially all of the awesome Tape Homes!



Pictures from Bistro night in Sierra Vista. Such a special time of fellowship filled with wonderful testimonies!



A couple of sisters got together and coordinated a Creations class on the Potter Clay project.


We loved seeing these Tape Homes in Canada!