Golden Nuggets

In a time of so much uncertainty in the world, there is one thing that will always stand sure: The Word. We hope these Golden Nuggets that we've received will encourage you as much as they have us! 

But Jesus wants to give you the best thing that anybody could give you, and the only One that could give it: Eternal Life, healing for your body, swap your weariness for joy, take the gloom away and give you a shout of victory: wants to take away your sin and give you Life, wipe death away from you and give you Eternal Life.

58-0617 Behold, I Stand At The Door And Knock

Matthew 28 said, "I'll be with My army. Not only that, but I'm going in My army." Oh, my. Think of it. Our great Warrior, great triumph, Word General in us. The Word Who was made flesh and triumphed over every devil, every sickness, even death, hell, and the grave, that same General is in us, with us. How long? "Till the end of the world," right on down. Think of it: the One that's leading the battle.

Every power of the enemy's defeated. When He was here on earth, He took the Word and triumphed over everything Satan had. He triumphed over death. He triumphed over hell. He triumphed over the grave. He rose up on the third day, and He's come back and now living in His church, this great Word Warrior, the Warrior that was the Word. And that same Warrior that is the Word is in us, living Himself, punctuating every sign of His resurrection and His coming. Amen. He's doing it today in this evening time, when the great evening Lights are begin to shine. Hallelujah. Great Warrior, Christ, already triumphed. Ain't a thing for me to do, just follow. Amen. Every power defeated.

62-0607 Putting On The Whole Armor Of God

22 Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

Psalm 55:22

The other morning, I said to the wife, “I’m already fifty, honey. If I do anything for the Lord, I got to hurry.” She said, “Bill, God trained Moses eighty years.” And said, “He can train you for another fifty years, to get one day’s service from you. He’s got a purpose for you, so just stand still.” I thought that was a lot of wisdom, “Stand still.” God moves every hand just according to His great plan. Just be still. Don’t try to over…to try to push. You get ahead of Him, then. It’s a whole lot better to try to follow than it is to lead, ’cause He’s the leader. Now, to my little church here, my little flock that’s been so faithful, and has prayed for me, all out across the world. I believe there’s another world-wide shakening coming. These things I have told you is the truth.

59-1115 My New Ministry

Job, in his distress, everything gone. His wife had turned against him, and was accusing him. And all his believer friends had turned against him because they only had theology. And all the rest had turned against him. But God said, “Come here, Job. I'm going to give you something, boy. I'm going to place within you something that all the devils of hell can't shake out.” And in…Every teacher in the world might accuse you, one way or the other, but it'll never move. You know what he did? He just raised up the curtain a little bit, and said, “Job, look yonder!” And what did Job see? What do you think he saw? He saw Easter, for its first time. He saw the first Easter, and he screamed, “I know my Redeemer liveth!” Oh, what a blessed place to be! Every man that's chosen of God, and every woman and child, comes to that spot on those sacred sands, to where God lifts the curtain and you see Him in His resurrected power. You know that He lives. And we, as Job, can cry, “I know my Redeemer liveth, and at the last days He shall stand on the earth. Though the skin worms destroys this body, yet in this flesh shall I see God.”

58-0406S I Know My Redeemer Liveth

Let His life be in me. Let it be His blood that cleanses me. Let it be His Spirit that fills me. Let it be His Word in my heart and mouth. Let it be His stripes that heal me. Let it be Jesus, and Jesus Alone. Not by works of righteousness which I have done. No sir. Christ is my life. Amen.

An Exposition Of The Seven Church (Ch 8 - The Philadelphian Church Age)

27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27

“And they that are sons of God are led by the Spirit of God.” Then when the human element goes out, and the Spirit of God fills that vacancy, where you empty yourself, amen, then will be when the Church, in Its Power of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, will walk in His steps, in His Power, in His thoughts, in His Being, in His moving! You see what I mean? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Then your thoughts will become words, and words will become material. That's, when, the Church in it's Power.

I believe it's on its road, that when the Church will be so wrapped in Christ, the Holy Spirit, mankind so away from theirselves, that they don't see themselves, they don't have no [Blank spot on tape—Ed.] but to serve God. And their thoughts move on. They refuse the things of the world. They just move in the Spirit, live in the Spirit, move in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, so fulfill the law of Christ. Then, the love of Christ in the human heart, moving in the Holy Ghost, that great wonderful Church will go forth with Power and Deity; because Deity will be revealed in human beings, by the Holy Spirit, bringing to pass, the thought of their mind.

54-1003M The Word Became Flesh (India Trip Report)

Every day we breathe a breath, we got a blessing from God.

61-1112 A True Sign That's Overlooked

We cannot use one ability. We've got to make a complete surrender! And, to come to God, you've got to surrender to Him both soul, body, and spirit. Everything that you are has to be surrendered to God, in order that He can work His will in you and in me. Now, that's hard, I know, ’cause we're always wanting to put our part in, something that we know, we know that we want to do it. We say, “Well, I—I just know it should be done this way.” But as long as you're doing it that way it's going to be wrong, and God will never use that effort.

61-1119 Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness

3 What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

4 In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

Psalms 56:3-4

And I wish to stop here just long enough to say this, that, most always, when you find God in a person, you find the most unusual person being used in the most unusual way.

61-1224 Sirs We Would See Jesus

The devil can't set a foot on you, to hurt you, until first you get away from God. You must first remember that. Check when anything happens, see if you are in the Faith, or not, see that if you're right up to place with God; then, remember, the devil can do you no harm, you're in Christ.

61-1231E If God Be With Us Then Where Is All The Miracles

Watch on the platform when the visions happen. Watch when evil spirits, moving up… Watch what takes place. It’s a surrender of the Holy Spirit—to the Holy Spirit. He comes in and takes over. Watch how He controls it. Just watch how it takes place. It’s God; It’s not man. And if we’d only live in that… God, let us live there. And as that bull standing about twenty yards from me, rose and here he come, great long horns. [Blank spot on tape—Ed.] “This is the end.” And instead of hating that bull; it seemed strange; I loved him. I wished I could explain it. But let me tell you something, brother. You’ll never come in contact with a greater force in this life than love. Yes, sir. I do not try to conquer demons by kicking them. I love God. See, love is what God is. God is love. Love moves God. “God so loved the world…” It’s love. Love’s what conquers.

55-1110 A Hidden Life In Christ

You say, “O Lord, I just feel so bad, I don't believe I could do it.” God don't feel sorry for you; feels like kicking you around a little bit. See? See? Sure. God don't feel sorry for you; He—He gets angry with you. You're just getting in shape then to where He can use you. Yeah.

61-1119 Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness

Now to the Branham Tabernacle, and to you who are associated and know these truths, did you know that same Pillar of Fire is with us tonight? You remember having His picture taken down yonder, and how It's swept across the world now, the same Pillar of Fire that followed Moses back there in the burning bush. What is it? Any scholar here daresn't…If I have been slopping along here with these words and things, I do know where I'm standing. I got my head screwed on right, I believe, by the Holy Spirit. Let me tell you, any scholar here knows that that Angel Who followed the children of Israel through the wilderness was the Angel of the Covenant, and the Angel of the Covenant was Jesus Christ. Moses esteemed the riches of Christ greater treasures than all of Egypt. Is that right? Sure, the Angel of the Covenant! Then what is It here with us? They may say we got, lost our mind, we're this, that, or the other, a bunch of holy-rollers, or something, maybe they might say it. But God Himself has a-vindicated Himself in the same Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel, is leading us right on today. Hallelujah! Glory to God! The same One was with Jesus Christ back yonder when He stood and He said to them Pharisees, they was standing there, told the woman at the well where her secret sins was, and so forth, It's operating in our midst now. “He that Was, Which Is, and Will Come!” Hallelujah! I'm looking for Him, are you? Glory to God! Hallelujah! All the guessing is gone. Oh, my!

53-0326 Israel And The Church #2

Christians are real, genuine, born, articles of God. They fight for their position, and fight till they're finished on this earth. Every move of it is a fight.

64-0206E God's Provided Way For This Day

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39