Only Believe

You must open that door of faith and let Him in. Then He will give you the desire of your heart. "He that waiteth upon the Lord shall renew his strength. They shall mount up like eagles. They shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." "If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask what you will. It'll be given to you." Oh. "Verily I say unto you, if thou shall say to this mountain be removed…" And in the original Greek Lexicon says, "Be raised up and thrown into the sea, and believe that it's being done…" Oh, my. "Believe that it's being done, you shall have what you say." Certainly. Oh, it don't have to be spontaneously. It don't have to be that way. Certainly not. Just as long as you believe it. There's where Christians fail today. The Bible said, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for. It's the evidence of things not seen."

57-1208 I Stand At The Door And Knock

Brother Rod found all he needed was right inside of him. It wasn’t a worked up emotion or something he had to manufacture. He mixed a little patience with his faith, making sure to not grow faint, and the Lord provided the answer just at the right time. Here is his testimony.

This past weekend we had some friends visiting our family from out of town. They wanted to take a trip out to the coast, and we decided to join them. Before we left on our trip, we prayed for God to have preeminence in the day. We arrived early afternoon and me and my brother set up a sun shelter for our visitors. Afterward, we decided to throw the football around with the kids in the water. As we were out in the water playing, we had slowly drifted about 100 yards off shore. By this time we were in about four feet of water.

My brother threw me the ball, and as I went up to catch it, the ball hit my wedding ring. My wedding ring popped off and hit my shoulder and fell into the ocean. Immediately I was in disbelief as I had forgotten to take it off, and I could not believe what just happened. I tried not to move, and I desperately called my brother over to help me look. We spent the next hour with water up to our neck searching blindly for my ring. The water was murky and as we searched it seemed the waves started kicking up more and more sand, making it practically impossible to see and burying the seafloor with more and more sand. As I searched, I said a prayer in my heart as I remembered reading a testimony about ‘The Little Things,’ where a brother found his wedding ring after six months of it being lost. I prayed in my heart, “Lord if you did it for them, you can do it for me. Just once more, Lord.” The enemy is quick to step in with his two cents, but I wanted to take God at his Word. I knew I couldn’t keep searching and I left it in the Lord’s hands.

Immediately, thoughts started to rush in that I’d never find it. I blamed myself for being careless, and doubt tried to creep in and rob me of taking God at His Word. But just as quickly as those thoughts came, I was inspired to think HOW the Lord would give me back my ring. Would I find it in the mouth of a fish? Would it wash up onshore? Would the ocean recede all the way out to where I would find it atop the sand? For the next few hours, I waded out from time to time just to see if, by chance, I’d catch a glimmer of it through the water. I even borrowed someone’s goggles to see if I could see through the water but it was no use. At this point I had lost the spot where it had fallen. Suddenly, I glanced to my right, and there was a man who had come out into the water with a metal detector. I had not seen this man before, and it seemed as though he appeared out of nowhere.

I walked over to him and asked him whether he could pick up gold with that metal detector as I had lost my ring. He told me unless I had stayed in the very spot I dropped the ring, he would never find it since the metal detector does not have a wide range. He said it was lost. I thanked him and walked away to look some more. It seemed but just a few minutes that he slowly meandered over to where I was and asked me to describe my ring. I described it to him, and he said, "JUST IN CASE." No more than three minutes since had he asked me this when he asked me to describe it again. As I did, he held up his hand and showed me my ring. PRAISE THE LORD! I ran with the ring all the way to shore to testify to our group what God had done for me.

God gave me my testimony right there! Faith is beyond hope, friends.

God Bless You.

Brother Rod


1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1