Call Unto Me

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Jeremiah 33:3

Alone in a communist country with no documents and no money. What would you do?

My name is Francisco Escalante. I travel periodically to China for business purposes and also to visit some Message friends over there.

In this last trip to the south of China in the city of Canton, I was getting ready to leave the airport to one of the many provinces around the metropolitan area. I got a transportation service, and I put my bags and personal belongings there (My briefcase with all the cash money and even my wallet with money and credit cards were in this truck that would take me to my final destination). I also loaded some boxes with products I was carrying with me.

All this was done in haste, as the airport is a very busy place and the traffic is heavy at all times. When we arrived in the place I needed to go, I got off in haste and I only took the boxes I was carrying in the vehicle. I almost did not notice that the truck quickly left, and only then I realized my bags and briefcase were still in the vehicle.

It was already late afternoon at 6 p.m. and the sun was setting. I entered in desperation as I confirmed that I had lost all of my belongings, personal documents and money. I started crying and did not know what to do or where to go. I went to a nearby hotel and checked my pockets. All I had was my cellphone and a subway ticket.

At the hotel I went to my knees and earnestly prayed to the Lord. I did not even have the license number or any information about the vehicle. I was praying until late hours in the night when suddenly, the Lord put in my heart to call the VGR office in Colombia through WhatsApp (It was 8:00 p.m. in China), knowing there is a 13-hour difference with China. I asked the brothers to please pray for me and my situation. The brothers told me they would be praying, and they would contact VGR in Jeffersonville to all join in prayer. The miracle happened.

Almost immediately somebody knocked at the door in my hotel room, and it was the local police. They had all my bags and briefcase with them!


I checked all the contents of my luggage and everything was there! I did not lose one cent from what I had or a piece of clothes I had brought. I still do not know how the police found me. It was very supernatural.

They even brought some medical help with them. They checked my blood pressure and inquired with the hotel personnel if I had already eaten anything. They brought a meal to my room. It was really incredible! I have no human explanation about this.

I am still rejoicing about it and beholding God's grace and His Power for me. Consider how terrible my condition was: I was left in a foreign country as big as China with no money and no documents!

May God bless you! His Word says, "Cry unto Me, and I will answer you."

This testimony is for the glory and honor of the Lord Jesus Christ!
