Agapao Tablet Q&A

It’s been over a year since we sat down with the Agapao Tablet Dept. Since that time, production has moved from the basement to the press wing, where six different work stations produce a finished tablet. Below are a few questions and answers about the missionary tool that is changing the world.

Q: I have heard the main feature of the Tablet is that they can update each other with the latest translations. How does this happen?

A: This is known as peer-to-peer updating. The Tablet has the ability to be placed into “host” mode, where it can connect to other Tablets to share the latest translated audio and text sermons. This is all done without the Tablet needing a Wi-Fi access point or an internet connection. Once one Tablet receives the most recent update, that Tablet can be the catalyst in its country to spread the Message: one Tablet updates 100, those 100 update 1,000, and those 1,000 update 5,000, and so on. It is the Bride working together with the Bride to get the Message into the hands of all the believers.

Q: Since you have moved to the new Agapao Wing, have you seen an increase in production?

A: Yes, definitely! The department is much more efficient than when we were in the basement. Brother Joseph has implemented several improvements that make the whole process more efficient.

Q: How many stations are there in your wing that builds the Tablet?

A: We have six assembly stations capable of building tablets.

Q: How does the Tablet access the latest translations for download? Can you walk me through the process?

A: For an initial update, the Tablet needs to connect to the internet for the download. Once connected, the Tablet will only access content VGR pushes out: including new audio and text, Lifeline, and possibly website content.

Q: What is the difference between an Agapao Tablet and a Hero Tablet?

A: The Agapao Tablet is built by VGR, whereas the Hero tablet is manufactured by Samsung. Both work similarly, and neither has a browser that can connect to the internet. That means that the devices cannot be used to access other websites, apps, etc. It's safe.

Q: I know I can buy a Hero Tablet, but is the Agapao Tablet available to purchase?

A: Not at this time. The Agapao Tablet is designed specifically for missionary work around the world.

Q: Can I request where I want my sponsorships to send the Tablets?

A: We build the Tablets to the language that has been approved to ship out next. The decision on what language, what country, and when they ship, is made by Brother Joseph. You can request that the Tablet be sent to a certain country, but there may be some delay before we are able to send a shipment to the specified country.

Q: How many Tablets can you make in one day?

A: Each assembler can build 100+ Tablets per day. Number of assemblers varies.

Q: How do people without electricity charge their Agapao Tablet?

A: Most foreign countries already have some sort of infrastructure in place to recharge their phones, whether it be a solar charger, 12-volt batteries, or another power source. These same processes will work for charging the Agapao Tablets. The battery in the Agapao Tablet is compatible with many different charging sources.

Q: Is VGR still printing Message books?

A: Yes, we still print Message books. We no longer print at the VGR facility in Jeffersonville, but we still contract printing presses as needed.

Q: Can you tell me how many countries have received the Tablet?

A: Tablets have been shipped to over 20 countries so far.

Q: Is it more cost-efficient to produce the Tablet than the books and tapes?

A: The Tablet is much more efficient. Once the brother or sister has a Tablet, they have the ability to receive all new translations as they become available. They can obtain these new sermons the same day they are made available, rather than waiting months to receive a container of books, CDs, or cassettes. The microSD cards are an inexpensive way to give a believer all the sermons, but these do not provide a device to hear the sermons, search, or update with new translations. Each week we release newly-translated sermons on branham.org and themessage.com for free download. These new sermons are also sent to the Tablets.

Q: Does it cost VGR less money to go digital with the sermons?

A: Yes. Online sermons, microSD cards, and Tablets are much more cost-effective and far less expensive to distribute than book printing and CD duplication.

Q: Does the microSD card go into the Agapao Tablet?

A: Yes. Each Agapao and Hero tablet has a microSD card that contains the assigned language for that device.