Tucson Creations

A few weeks ago, Creations received the most incredible opportunity and a complete dream come true! We traveled out to Tucson, Arizona to hold our first ever out of town Creations class!!! There are no words to express how excited we were when we found out, this was something we had dreamed about!

We only had a few short weeks of preparation, and we also had our local classes to prepare for as well. There is a lot that goes into putting together our classes normally, and preparing for an out of town class in the mix was no simple task either! We had an entire pallet of supplies shipped out to our special location, along with décor that we use in our own classrooms to make the building feel just like home.

As our plane made its final decent, we looked out and realized we were flying over a very special spot in the Coronado Forest where Sunset Mountain is! Our excitement grew even higher as we knew the Lord was with us on our journey. As we continued on, we then flew right in front of the Catalina Mountains. We couldn’t help reciting “I’m so lonesome oh so lonesome”…


Our first morning in Tucson started off with beautiful weather! As we gathered with many familiar faces to plan our set up and unload that pallet of supplies, the venue started to transform. But when it really transformed was when the Pillar of Fire photograph was projected on the wall. The atmosphere changed and we were ready for our heroes for Christ to arrive the next day.

Class day had finally come and we had a mixture of excitement and nerves as the time approached for the students to start arriving. Of course, as soon as they came in all the hard work was completely worth it from the eagerness on their faces! Several moms even mentioned getting the email to come to this class was like getting the call to come to Still Waters Camp!

After an introduction that definitely caught the attention of each one, we started our day with the most important part, Quiet Time! What a better way to get right into that sweet atmosphere.

After, they made their way to the classrooms. We had close to 100 students, and did the same project that we started off our Creations season with in Jeffersonville, the “Come Follow Me” canvas from the Still Waters camp logo. Something we have noticed from this special logo is that from afar it looks like the Supernatural Cloud. Also, on the tape where our lesson came from “Come Follow Me” Brother Branham mentions the Supernatural Cloud. How appropriate that the start of our trip we flew over this significant landmark where that happened. Only this Message can dovetail every detail together so perfectly.

As we got into our lesson before the project, we quickly could tell how much the students are in the Word. We just HAVE to say, they were absolutely amazing! We felt right at home as the Lord encamped about us throughout the entire day, He truly is the one who made everything possible!

At the end of class as we do at home, we passed out Tape Quiz prizes. As you may know, the YF tape quizzes are the foundation of Creations. Now, kids receive a trophy on their YF account for staying active in the quizzes. For our local classes, you have to have a trophy to be able to sign up. We really wanted to promote that in Arizona, as the tape quizzes are such an important tool not just to get you in to camp, but as the kids knew too, it’s to get you IN THE WORD!

By the end of the day, we felt as if these were our students, each one left such a special place in our hearts. Not to mention all of the incredible volunteers, we could not have done it without them!

We were sad to go, but so grateful that the Lord granted us the opportunity to have a small part in doing something special for HIS children. Gathering with our brothers and sisters to put the Word before our kids is the greatest honor and blessing. We are going to spend eternity together!

As Brother Branham said,

It’s the King’s Message. Let’s recognize It, friends, for we are called to gather together for the sounding of the Trumpet. “For the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound, then time shall be no more.”


3 Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.

Joel 1:3

If you would like to do this same project at home, we have the full lesson and tutorial you can access right here. If you have a group that you gather together and do the Creations project, please send us pictures we will add them to our tutorial page for this class.