All Things Through Christ

13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Philippians 4:13

It’s only 10 words, but the promise is enormous! Any believer CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST!

You might be a teenager going to battle against the pressures of the world. You might be trying to provide for your family. You might be facing serious health problems. Or, you might be a grandma who is intimidated by changing the batteries in an electronic device. Whatever battle lays ahead, don’t worry, YOU can do all things through Christ. Just believe.

About 14 years ago, I was babysitting my three-year-old grandson. He said four words to me that have encouraged me, often lifting me out of a rut us older sisters find ourselves in. I wanted to share these words with you.

I had given him a child’s tape recorder with some child’s cassette tapes with Bible stories and songs I’d made for him. He brought it to me and said, “Fix it, Grammee!” (the batteries had died).

After inspection I realized I’d have to find a Phillips screwdriver to get to the batteries. Not knowing where the screwdrivers were and (possibly) being a little lazy, I told him, “Grandpa will be home in an hour; he’ll fix it for you.”

His expression told me this answer didn’t sit well with him. I’d been teaching him Sunday School, memorizing, “I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me!” and “With God all things are possible.” (To have courage and not fear).

Well, he looked up at me and pointing his finger to show his conviction, said, “Grammee, if you’ll just say ‘I think I can, I think I can,’ God will help you!”

He was preaching back to me, hitting bullseye on my weakness. I left my little familiar world of dirty dishes, found a screwdriver, and fixed that tape recorder.

As my children have grown, those few words have encouraged me as my life transitioned. Often, when I’m tempted to give up and when a new challenge is before me, I hear a little three-year-old’s voice saying, “If you’ll just say ‘I think I can, I think I can,’ God will help you!”

God bless you,

Sister Ray,

Fairbanks, Alaska