The Little Things

We received this testimony from a sister who had a relatively small need, but the Lord showed her there is nothing too small; He is God over the little things too.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am so excited, I just have to share my popcorn testimony.

Eight years ago, my husband bought me a watch. In July of this year, my watch just went missing somewhere in our house. I have very specific places where I take my watch off, and I knew it just had to be found. I committed it to the Lord after doing a very thorough search and not finding it.

Months passed, and I just kept confessing that the Lord would return it somehow.

This month is my birthday, and my husband kindly offered to give me a new watch as a present. I went to look at watches with him on Saturday and didn’t find a single one I liked. I just kept saying I want my old one and the Lord knows where it is.

On Saturday evening, I prayed and asked the Lord to please restore my watch to me before my birthday. This morning, just three days after I prayed, I looked up from doing something to see my 20-month old daughter holding my watch! She had put it in her doll’s carry cot and found it again while playing with it!

The Lord is SO good. I give Him all the praise and honor!

Sister Michelle