The Eagles Gathering Together

Dear Perfect Bride,

Let us come before the Lord tonight and prostrate ourselves in humility, submission, and in adoration before our living God, and ask Him to make us a living virtue, a living knowledge, a living patience, a living Godliness. To give us a living Power coming from a living God.

What’s he doing? The same things that Jesus did; walking the same way He walked, doing the same things He did. Because, it’s not imaginary thing. There’s a reality that proves.

It is not an imaginary thing, we are that reality. We are becoming a Stature Of A Perfect Man. Sons and daughters of God, a dwelling place where He can live and declare to the world, “This is MY Perfect fully restored Bride that stayed with My Word”.

His Chosen Ones have been depending and waiting for this day to take place for thousands of years. They have been waiting for this Church to come into perfection in order to bring the resurrection.

The day has finally arrived. It is now taking place and being made manifested in each one of us. The Rapture is at hand. His Bride has made herself ready by His Spoken Word. Come Lord Jesus.

Bro. Joseph Branham