November Quiz Messages

November marks a notable change of the seasons, and introduces the countdown to the coming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

Life seems to really speed up during this festive time of year, as we get so busy running from place to place in preparation for the family gatherings. But through all this busyness of life, there’s one thing that remains a constant for the believer, and that’s the Word.

As you take time from your busy schedules this month to hear the November quiz messages, the message “Without Money Or Without Price” will set the tone to what’s really of value in our lives. What better time of year to ponder on the Great Sacrifice God made to give us Life, Without Money Or Without Price.

But when our Lord puts His chain of love around your heart, and pulls you from the ditch of sin, He heals every broken heart, takes away all the sin. And the bill is put in the sea of forgetfulness, to remember against you no more. “Come, without money or without price.” No matter how bad you’re cut up, how bad you’re bruised, how your family has done, or what you’ve done, there’s no bill to it. He heals the heartaches, takes away all your sorrows. “He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we were healed.” It’s all free.

59-0802 Without Money Or Without Price

What a blessed assurance we have! But be assured that the enemy will be right at every corner waiting to distract and discourage you from this Truth, to tell you that you're not forgiven and that the Sacrifice wasn't for you. Just remember:

“He’s trying to see your reaction on your action. He’s trying to test you. “Every son that cometh to God must first be chastened, tested.” Every child that comes to Him, He puts him through a test to see how he will act.”

59-0810 The Reaction To An Action

We pray the Lord will encourage you through these timeless Messages, as He never fails to do.

The tape quizzes will be available for the entire month of November for anyone to take and submit your scores. You can CLICK HERE to view the quiz page.

God bless you,

Young Foundations