Satan’s Business

Dear Bro. Joseph and VGR,

I wanted to write today about something that changed my life forever.

I was recommended by a friend to watch a video about how the “free-to-use” apps business model works. YouTube or Facebook, etc., do not make money from you directly in most cases, because they are “free-to-use.” Instead they make money from ads. Their customers are the advertisers and their product that they are selling to the advertisers is YOU AND YOUR TIME.

The more time you spend on Facebook the more ads they can show you. Even if you do not click on the ad, Facebook still makes money by showing the ad to you. Naturally, this business model incentives the makers of these apps to make you spend as much time as possible on their apps. Because of this, these companies hire teams of people and professional psychologists to get you to become addicted and engaged in their apps as long as possible.

Everything from the way they use other people tagging you on posts to ignite natural social instincts, to the way that you refresh your feed to get new content is all carefully thought out and tested over and over again to find what addicts you the best. The videos suggested to you on YouTube are powered by powerful and advanced Artificial Intelligence that gets rewarded every time they make the correct suggestion and you spend more time.

Bro. Branham said:

Listen. God’s not concerned so much about your money, but He wants you to support Him with all you are. He don’t want ten percent of your money, so much as He wants your time, your talent, your testimony, and all that you are to be given into His hands, so He can control you. He wants to be your Lord; not only your Saviour, but your Lord—lordship, to govern you.

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God wants my time. Satan wants my time. Satan created a global business trade in our day that sells your time to the highest advertising bidder.

You say, “Brother Branham, I’m no prostitute.” I don’t altogether mean sexually. Prostitution’s on a higher level. You can prostitute your time. How much time do you give to Him?

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After I watched the video, I just went to my prayer closet so distraught. I cried to the Lord and rededicated my time to Him. I wanted to make a commitment to Him that would change my life forever. Bro. Joseph Branham talked about cell phones at the Branham Tabernacle on June 18, 2017. He encouraged us to PRAY every time we check our phone. I sadly did not keep up with praying like that. I would forget for months on end to pray when I checked that phone.

So, NOW I made the promise to the Lord for the rest of my life that I would PRAY every time I hear my phone ding. I want to give HIM my time. I know it will be hard. Satan REALLY battled me about this promise. Saying you can’t do it. You will just forget. But, no, Satan, I WILL PRAY every time!

Thank you VGR for giving us 1200+ Tapes, Branham.org, the LifeLine app, Voice Radio, the tape quizzes, and more, for the purpose of keeping our time in the Word.

I want to encourage you to do more to fight the devil to take more of the Bride’s time on your apps. Your reward will be way MORE than ad income. An Eternal reward!

God truly raised a standard against the devil encouraging us constantly to pray and to hear His Voice in our day!

Thank you with all my heart.

God Bless you,
