The Voice Radio

You must always stay where the Kingdom of God is, and where the glory of God is pouring out. Stay where you can be spiritually fed, day and night.

62-1013 - "The Influence Of Another"

The one feature on the Lifeline app that continues to have everyone talking is the Voice Radio. It’s a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week, stream of Brother Branham’s sermons. Whenever you want to hear the prophet and join in with hundreds of other believers, all you have to do is open the app and tap the Voice Radio button.

Here are a few of the many testimonies about the Voice Radio and how it has affected their lives.

It is how I start my day. I always struggled picking a message to listen on my 25-minute commute to work, now I listen to what the Lord has chosen for me and hundreds of other believers. When I am mowing grass or working, I put on my headphones and block out the world, which makes the day go by so much better. It also plays 24 hours a day in my house.

The Radio has become such a staple in my home and in the life of my family. Sometimes the devil is so loud, he gets me so low, but then all I have to do is press play and he is gone. I play the radio everywhere, in my car, in my purse, when I have to go in the stores, it’s so nice to just be in His atmosphere.

I’m a nervous person and I wake up a lot at night. Most nights I will walk through the house and check on my children. Since we play the Radio in all our bedrooms at night I can walk from one end of our home to the other and hear his voice coming out of each room. It gives me such peace as I go back to my room knowing that the token has been applied.

Tuning into the Voice Radio raises my faith for healing, it brings encouragement when I am down, drops peace into my soul when I am troubled. It convicts me and brings correction, and the greatest result is that It brings Revelation of who I am. It fills our home with the right atmosphere.

VOICE RADIO has kept me more in the Word than ever before. It has been such an encouragement to me and my family! We have always listened to tapes doing our best to stay in the WORD each day. When the QOTD began several years ago, wow, what a blessing it is to start each morning with hearing that Voice to get our day going. Now, knowing VOICE RADIO is always on 24/7 and available to us keeps the Message more in my thoughts knowing it is always playing and someone, somewhere, is listening!!! What an opportunity to join together with them to PRESS PLAY.

Awesome! That is what Voice Radio is to me and our family!!! Driving to work, walking in the grocery store, at the gas station, in our children’s bedrooms at night, God’s Voice always playing, waiting and ready to speak to us. I wake up in the morning and after devotions it is decision time… do I keep listening to the message I didn’t finish yesterday or that sermon we heard last Sunday, I wonder what is playing on VOICE RADIO? How many of my brothers and sisters are listening in from around the world? I just have to look and see how many are tuning in at this very moment!

There have been many times the very message playing was exactly what I needed to hear for that particular day or mood or trial I was going through.

Do you have a testimony about how Voice Radio has changed your life? Leave it in Feedback at the bottom of the page.

If you don’t already have the Lifeline installed on your mobile device, it’s a free download from the Google Play Store (Android) or the App Store (Apple).