Shall He Not Hear?

Paul said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou and thy house shall be saved.”

61-0429B One Of The Meanest Men In Town

A foundation that will stand the storms of life must be built upon the Word of God. Especially in a relationship, we will have a hard life ahead of us if our foundations are built upon anything else. It took more than 20 years, but this sister's prayers were finally answered when the Lord brought her husband into the fold. Now, she is rejoicing and wants to share her testimony of how He hears the prayers of His saints.

After 21 years of marriage the Lord saved my husband. We were both sinners when we got married; he was 24 and I was 20.

I gave my heart to the Lord the same year we got married. It was a tough journey for my husband because I changed in an instant. We got our first-born daughter, Sharon Rose, after five years of marriage. The different lifestyles became depressing.

We differ on everything from childrearing to entertainment. We both became lonely and started drifting apart, but the Lord kept me. I was a Sunday school teacher and still am today. I took my burdens to the Lord in prayer. The house of the Lord is surely the best place to be. Things became unbearable at home, but I kept on praying. There were times I thought the Lord had forsaken me, but he assured me in Psalm 94:9.

He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?

I knew that the Lord heard my prayer reading this, and after 21 years, my husband and my daughter got baptized the same day.

Praise the Lord

Sister Lorraine

South Africa

But that night maybe the Lord had been dealing with him, according to Rebekah's thoughts and prayer. Now, if you want God to save your husband or your wife, just keep praying for them, just keep praying. That's all you have to do. Just keep praying and believing. If there's any spark of life there at all, God will put something across the path that they'll see it.

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