Letters From Prisoners

Here are a few excerpts from recent letters we have received in the Prison Ministry.

I am serving life. The chaplain came around, and we talked about 30 minutes. We talked Bible, which I believe I am also a believer in Jesus Christ. I asked the chaplain what is on the other side. He surprised me by saying he had no idea. He told me as far as he knew there was only one person that was there and came back. I said you are kidding? He said no, but would not give me the name. He did tell me to write you and ask for the booklet, Beyond the Curtain of Time.


I have been reading Bro. Branham’s Messages for over four years and never have heard Scriptures explained the way the prophet of God does. There is new life in every line. I wanted to thank you for not forgetting us in prison.


For years, I asked for a transfer to a faith-based wing, and finally, it was granted, I am so thankful. They have prayer every day and Bible study. Well, I asked about getting a Bible, and the chaplain said he did not have any, and the prison does not supply any, but he did give me your address. Well, it is hard to study the Bible without one. I received the Bible along with a few books, which the inmates told me could be confusing. They were so right, but the books are not confusing, the Bible study is to me. It amazes me, the books line up with the Bible but our study, well, just thank you, and please send me more.


Thank the Lord. I requested prayer for my brother and sister, and the people that are called by His Name prayed. My brother’s wife left him and two children in 2003 while he was at work. Over the years, he grew cold inside, turned to drugs, and he distanced himself from the family. You had sent me a Bible, and a friend sent me another one so I sent them to my nephews, hoping they would open them. The same time my mother sent me the Centennial edition. Wow, talk about a blessing! Well, the nephews wrote me and said they enjoyed the Bibles and loved reading them. Then my brother wrote and said thank you, and said because of the Bibles the boys wanted to go to church and now they go as a family. I am still in jail, but everything else has changed. Thank you and never think it is in vain. You might never know, but lives are touched.


The Words all look to have a life of their own, and we feel that Brother Branham is speaking directly to us; our souls just scream out and rejoice with each Word. We just thank God for the Message.


I am so thankful that years ago when I came to this prison, someone gave me a Message book. I have never given anything else a thought. I was at the darkest point of my life when the Son found me. This Message and Jesus Christ is all there is. Brothers, I cannot understand how someone would not believe our prophet! I had often read things Brother Branham said and would think someday we will see that happen. But now, you go in the TV room, and the news comes on and then you go back to your room, pick up any book, and there Brother Branham is talking about what you just saw on the news. How could you not believe?


With all my heart, I want to say thank God for this Ministry.


Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for the books, they have helped me in special ways I would never dreamed of. I cannot get enough, so please keep them coming.


Looked at the Bible time to time through my life, and when I was arrested, I started reading it more. Never understood any of it and was sure that most preachers did not also. At least from what I heard them say, I always thought I was reading a different book. I thought maybe a different translation. I read every version I could find. It seemed they read a verse and then talked about something different, and do not dare ask a question, no not at all, just gave me a hard heart. Then someone gave me a book on Melchisedec. I thought, "another preacher." I left it lay on my shelf. The other morning I was bored, so I started paging through it, ready to pick it apart. Well, after about two minutes, I started digging in my Bible, spent most of the morning going back and forth, looking for something. This is amazing, just staying with the scriptures. I found your address, and I am asking if there are more of these books available. I just never heard anything like this.


Brothers, you have been sending me books for years now, and they are the greatest possession I have. I love this Message, and I love our prophet, Brother Branham. Your ministry is the greatest thing for the inmates. One book reaches more inmates than anything else could. I have seen many books go from one inmate to another until they just fall apart. In this prison, less than 1% attend any church service, and most are there for a diversion, but almost everyone knows of Brother Branham.


I love this Message. Reading about organized religion really hit home. I was raised a Mennonite. Talk about denomination, you hear one thing, but you see another. I so enjoy how Brother Branham does not pull any punches, either right or wrong, no gray. Love it, reading his words make me cry, you do not hear this anywhere. Real Truth. Thank you for making this possible for me.


I’m an old ruffian, you know the kind, not a tough guy, just don’t try to tell me anything. There was an old ruffian book in the library called Reverend Mr. Lilly. I want to tell you I got more out of that one book than any schooling or preaching I ever had. I hope there are more like it. Just plain simple Truth.


Brother Branham’s Message has taken me places I never dreamed of. A child from the ghetto, well, your chances are next to none. So it was no surprise I ended up in prison. I found that my life inside was not much different than outside, except it does not rain on you here and it was warm. Years later nothing changed, with no future here at all. Then I heard someone praying, I said, "You a Muslim or something?" They were the only ones I knew prayed. He said, "No, I am Christian." I said, I never heard a Christian pray, what church? He said, I just pray to the Lord Jesus Christ, He alone is my God, come and sit, brother. Well, he took me back to Eden and up to Heaven. I asked if he was some kind of a preacher or prophet. He laughed and said no, but there is a man! That was last year, and this has been the best year of my life, I feel I’ve died and gone to heaven. Brothers, never give up this fight. It’s worth it all.


I’ve been Pentecostal all my life, and first heard of Brother Branham when I came to prison 40 some years ago. Being Pentecostal, the Message made perfect sense to me from the start, and I have been blessed by God and Voice Of God Recordings to have read every book available to me. I attended a Pentecostal service here, it was a visiting church. I really enjoyed it, the singing, clapping, shouting, and then the preaching. Well, afterward I talked to the preacher, asked him about this point and that. He tried to answer and then asked, "Are you a Branham follower?" I said, "I read his Message, and I follow the Lord Jesus Christ." He said, "I thought so, and this conversation is over." Boy, I was shocked, and to think at one time I loved this, now they won’t even talk to me. Well, I tell you with a grin on my face, I walked out of there singing, "We’re pilgrims and strangers here."

God bless my precious brothers and sisters, I can’t imagine what it must be like out there.


I just started the book ‘Ashamed’ by our prophet, Brother Branham. My father introduced me to all the wonderful teachings of the prophet. Together, we studied the Seven Seals, and my father studied the tapes for around 30 years. But I thought I knew better, and here I am. I tell you one day in here, and you know for sure that this Message is the Truth. There is everything in here, whatever you can imagine. I have rededicated myself to the Word of God, and really I don’t want to leave this place until God has hammered me so He can see His face. Brothers, to me this Message is God’s hammer, each book is about me, each story Brother Branham tells is about me. Please keep the hammers coming.