
We enjoy hearing from God's people and appreciate every comment we receive. Each suggestion and remark helps us do a better job in serving you, the Bride of Christ.

Here is a small portion of feedback we have received over the past few weeks.

Dear Russian believers, please remember that the Bride around the whole world is praying for you at this moment. When the Bride comes together to join in prayer, things change.

We've got a weapon, that's more powerful than any atomic bomb, and that's prayer! Remember God will never leave you, nor forsake you, and He will be on your side until the end. I think about that song:

"When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with You above the storm. Father, You are king over the flood; I will be still and know You are God".

I was reading in Deuteronomy 3 this morning during my Quiet Time, that went along with the QOTD, and thought about the Russian case when I read this scripture: Deuteronomy 3:22, Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you.

We will be praying about this case with you that God will intervene and fight for you!

We will be praying for God's hand, and mercy will correct the situation in Russia. Nothing takes God by surprise.

We lost our first baby girl prematurely at 26 weeks birth. She lived and fought for almost two months after in NICU. The time she was here was a great blessing to us even so. Now we have our son on the way, satan tries to scare us, but we were praying for him from the beginning, an answered prayer. I'm 24 weeks now, on bed rest and just waiting for him to come full term by God’s Grace.

I appreciate your testimony sister. I have a sister who has been eight years with no baby, and she’s a Message believer.

My prayer is, "God, I want you to do something for the sister."

That's the God we serve!

God bless you, precious sister, this is so reassuring! Indeed, GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS! I trust God to visit me real soon, as HE has your beloved family.

AMEEEEEEN, I'm so encouraged. Praise be to GOD.

I lost my baby at 27 weeks, and I trust God will bless me.

I live in UAE (United Arab Emirates), and we have the freedom of worship. I thank God for that after reading the suffering of our Iranian Brothers. I pray for their freedom and may God strengthen their spirit during this difficult moment.

We will be on our knees praying for our brothers.

Dear Iranian brothers and families, I have been praying for you all and will pray even more so now. God bless your gallant stand and may He continue to give you extra strength, faith, and courage from Above.

We have 3am prayers, and this need will be brought to the throne of Mercy.

"Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass."
- Psalms 37:5

This has been my favorite Bible Verse since I was a little kid. Also, that's what I've learned in my life. I've always committed the way unto Him, and He's never failed. I've seen many times His Hand changing the whole situation, His Spirit moving with power. He is still Heb. 13:8! Amen!

I believe, and my testimony is next!

What a blessing that the Quote of the Day supports this testimony! Line upon line...

Wonderful testimony! The God who made blind eyes to see, can make seeing eyes blind.

Amazing how God uses things that we never think of to perform His work. It just reminds me that God has a plan for every little part of whatever we are doing for Him.

Being Romanian myself, I chuckled at how the Romanian Border Patrol we’re amazed to see such a truck. Praise the Lord for His protection of His precious cargo. It is truly “Gold” to the Bride of the Lord Jesus!

That is such an Amazing testimony. It really showed me how God is still with us, and He is still the same yesterday today and forever!

It all worked for the good, no matter the circumstances or situation.

So proud to hear what our God of the Message does. May the other lady seek the Living God in that Tape... for many other future happenings for positive results....

Praise be to God! Doubly Blessed! He's able to do more than what we expect...Against the Odds.

What a glorious work! It just melts my heart thinking how wonderful this is that the Message is now so easily accessible to the Bride of Christ around the world through the Agapao tablet! It has come a long way since the beginning of VGR. God bless this work! (I just returned from a week-long vacation where I had no internet but I had my Agapao tablet!)