The Little Things

We received this testimony from a family who are witnesses that God provides at just the right time.

My husband and I have been married for almost 10 years, and like most other couples, we have faced some tight places financially.

One thing we have learned though, is never to worry because the Lord ALWAYS provides. We make a point to pay our tithes immediately when my husband receives his paycheck and never try to put it off and pay later, because the devil will always try to find a way to make unplanned "expenses" pop up.

We've learned that when we honor the Lord, He always takes care of us. There have been so many times that we have been in a tight place, and then we received some unexpected refund check or other means of income. I'd like to share our most recent one with you.

Our family vehicle has been making some noises and driving a little rough for the past few months. I finally made an appointment to see a mechanic, and when I went to drop off the vehicle, the man told me it would probably be around $30 because it most likely just needed some maintenance. However, he called me back later and began to explain to me over the phone what was wrong, and the bill would be close to $1000. Wow!

My husband decided he would buy the parts himself and find the time to fix it. After digging into the problem, pricing parts and talking to other mechanics, my husband was able to find a different mechanic that would be able to fix the car for about $500. We decided this was the best option and we're thankful to have the bill cut in half, however, it was a big chunk of money that we really were needing to spend for other things.

The day before my husband dropped the car off to get fixed, I received a refund check in the mail from a hospital where my son had some testing done a couple of months before.

The check was for $497.27 which ended up being $1.95 more than our bill for the mechanic. The Lord's timing is PERFECT and He even over-pays! We are grateful that He always helps us through the "little things" as well as the big things!

God Bless you.

Sister Gabrielle