From That Time

How many of us have taken the same attitude this young sister has? James 1:3 tells us that the trying of our faith worketh patience, so when we don't immediately receive what we ask for, we should still be encouraged because God is building patience within us. Sister Raquel has shown wisdom far beyond her years in the following testimony.

I would like to share with you some of the testimonies that the Lord gave me from the Still Waters camp, it has been one after another, after another, after another.

My name is Raquel Peralta, I'm from Colombia, and one of the biggest desires of my heart for many years, was to attend the Still Waters camp. This year I was able to sign up, and on the day of registration, I was anxious and awaiting the countdown.

When the counter finally showed 0:00:00, I clicked, but the page became slow and in two minutes, I was on the waiting list for the second camp. I was very sad, but I remember that my dad, by faith, told me I would go. I was praying, asking the Lord that I wanted to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and that was the biggest reason I wanted to attend the camp.

Days later I received an email, and it was for camp #1! I was so excited; the Lord had answered my prayers. We started preparing, but just a few days before traveling, I got sick, so I prayed to God so I could be well for the trip. A few hours before the trip, in a miraculous way, the Lord healed me. I traveled together with a friend who also went to the same camp. On the day of the flight to the United States, we had a stopover in Miami, and then we continued to Louisville.

In Miami we had four hours waiting at the gate, and suddenly, they changed the gate. The notification arrived very late, so we missed the flight and were not able to leave. Being the fault of the airline, they gave us a ticket for the next day in the afternoon.

The next day and once again at the airport, we headed to take our flight, but we didn't have assigned chairs, so we would have to wait to see if the plane had unoccupied seats. I worried a lot, because if we didn't have seats, we would miss the flight again. So, I wrote to the sister that I would stay with in Jeffersonville, and asked her to pray. As soon as the sister and her daughters were praying, they called us to board. They had just assigned us a seat! At that moment I knew that it was only God's hand that had helped us, and we had a moment of rejoicing.

On the first day of camp, I was so excited. Still Waters is a piece of heaven, and you can feel the Presence of the Lord in every place there. On the afternoon of the same day, I twisted my foot, and it was very painful to walk. The nurse came, treated me, and I had to wear a bandage. I was sad, it was only my first day of camp, and I was not going to be able to fully enjoy it because I was limping. But, I also remember that I thought the Lord has a reason for everything.

I remember that in my first Quiet Time there, I asked God to heal me that same day at the campfire. On the second day, my foot was swollen, it still hurt, and I walked with difficulty. That day there was service in the night, which was the best service of all my life. The Lord that night answered my prayers and gave me the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

When we returned to the cabin, I realized THAT MY FOOT DID NOT HAVE PAIN WHEN I WALKED AND I WAS WALKING PERFECTLY! For the rest of the week, I was able to run, walk and participate in the activities without any pain. God has been so good to me. He gave me my healing, not only of my foot, but of other things that were affecting me. He gave me the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and I can say now, that since that time my life was changed.

Sis. Raquel Peralta