I would like to report that I have completed taking pictures on the last 38 homes.
Everything has been wonderful, I thank you very much for your prayers and your support, you definitely made my job to be much easier.
I greatly appreciate Brother Joseph, always energizing me with his kind remarks, that was perfect, and also the financial support provided by the believers that he allocated to make this whole project possible.
The believers that have benefited from this project have no proper words from their vocabulary to articulate their joy and happiness for having received brand new homes. To them this is truly manna from above.
Most of them never thought they would own beautiful and big homes like they ones VGR has built for them. Some of them are single parents and they were completely hopeless.
God's ways, are indeed, past finding. God just created a situation that would enable these believers to own new homes for their families.
God bless you.
Brother Saidi
VGR Malawi