The Little Things

… ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

St. John 16:24

Yes, the Lord Jesus cares about the little things in our lives just as much as He cares about the big things. Here is another one of those little testimonies that should never be overlooked. 

I would like to share a small testimony with the Bride of Christ that happened on my way to work.

On a Friday, I returned from my work. I got off the bus and went to a supermarket nearby. When I left this supermarket, I realized that I had lost my identification badge. I was desperate about it and asked the Lord Jesus to find it for me.

The next night I was talking to my father-in-law about some passages in the Bible and told him I was very distressed and desperate. On Sunday evening service, I came to the church sad and in despair, but I did not imagine that God would speak so strongly with me that night. The service that evening was special, because the prophet William Marrion Branham preached to us the message entitled "Desperation."

When Brother Branham began to preach his message he used the same Bible passages my father-in-law and I had talked about the night before. At the end of preaching, the Brother Branham started a very special prayer, and he went to the audience praying for each Christian there. At the end of this prayer, he said that if you are in despair now, see what will happen to you this week.

On Monday morning, I went to work thinking about what the prophet had said in the Sunday service. I took the bus as usual, and before I had time to ask the driver about my badge, he turned to the side of the steering wheel and took my badge, and gave it to me. My heart was filled with joy at that hour! I sat down and thanked God and remembered what the Brother Branham had said in his Sunday message.

God bless you, my dear brothers. God protects and takes care of each of His sheep, whatever they need. He is always present in our lives.
