A Call To Him

After she and her dad suffered a horrible accident, there was only one way to get help. This sister found out that when her dad needed her most, that was when her faith in the Lord provided a way out.

On January 11th, I traveled to my father’s house. I was there for three days, he works in another city and he travels there on a motorbike. I constantly told him I wanted to go to that city with him, because I didn’t like to be alone, but he said no.

Three days passed by, and he told me I could go with him. So, I woke up that morning, and I prayed the Lord to be with me, because I would take a long and dangerous trip on a motorbike. Well, we left the house and then we arrived to the city where he works. I was with him at his work, and doing some things he needed some help on. He finished his work so late by night and he began to drink alcohol. When he decided to go home, he was not fit to drive a motorbike because of the alcohol.

I was afraid because I knew the trip was so dangerous. Before leaving the workplace, I told him he shouldn’t drive, and we should stay there. He didn’t hear me, but I didn’t want to take the keys away, because he insisted to drive voluntarily. When we left the city and on our way home, I told him I wanted to spend that night at a relative’s house, because I didn’t want to be around him in that condition, but he didn’t allow it.

I was worried and I didn’t want to travel with him. Desperate, I told him I didn’t want to go because I was afraid, but still he insisted.

We began our trip and on our way he drove 95km/h (59mi/h), something overtook me, and I felt a great desire of telling dad to slow down because I was so afraid. I could travel at the same speed days before without a problem and I didn’t say anything, but that night I felt a huge desire of crying for him to slow down.

Ten minutes after, the tire burst and we had a horrible accident. I remember I was thrown through the air, and my father crashed into the pavement; we were in the middle of nowhere.

I quickly stood on my feet, and for the Glory of God, I was fine as the Lord protected me. But, when I saw my father, he was dying. His lungs were full of blood, and his cranium was broken into 12 pieces. When I saw him I was so desperate, so I kneeled down and cried to God to help us, because my father couldn’t pass away to go meet God in that condition.

After praying for him, I asked God to not abandon us and to send help. The night was so dark and I was worried. I called my relatives and a friend of my father while cars began to stop, but the ambulance had not arrived. I called my pastor, and he told me to lay my hands on my father’s chest and we prayed for him. The ambulance arrived shortly after that, and we headed to the hospital.

On our way I began to pray for my father, and God heard us, because all that time he didn’t breathe until we were at the hospital. My father was taken to the ICU; I waited for his test results and the news the doctor gave me was not encouraging. She told me he wouldn’t live, but I knew God wouldn’t leave me alone, and He wouldn’t let my father to die in the condition he was, away from God.

For the Glory of God, our Lord Jesus saved his life that night, and my dad had a quick recovery. The doctors said he wouldn’t live, or if he did, he would have a mental disorder. But my father is getting better each day. He’s having a great recovery from that accident. I don’t know all that happened leading up to the accident, but God prepared everything for me to be with my father at that moment, because the motorbike had the bad tire for many days, but God wanted me to be in that moment with him to help him.

Today, I thank God for letting me know this precious Message and His Word, because the Lord Jesus Christ has never abandoned me.

Sister Jairo 

Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia