How The Candle Got Lit

There is one undeniable characteristic of everyone who truly accepts and believes the Message of the hour: The change produces a Godly life. That Godly life is a witness to the whole world that Jesus Christ is alive and dwelling in the hearts of His people.

We received this request for material from a brother whose candle got lit from a life that shines in darkness. Now he is looking to spread that same Light to a dark world.

My name is Koffie Be-nice, a student of the University of Health and Allied Sciences. By the grace of God, I have received and believed the Message of the hour, THE SPOKEN WORD, preached by my precious Brother William Branham. It has been by the Grace of God all this has happened while searching for the unadulterated Word. God has been faithful to me, and my roommate is a believer whose way of life is out of this world.

Words cannot describe his way of life. He has been transformed to a Holy Ghost filled portion of the Bride, waiting for the Rapture. He reached out to me when I enquired of his stand in Christianity. He was so different from all other churchgoers I knew. He started giving me audio of the prophet, and I fed upon it without doubt in my heart. By His grace, the Lord has revealed Himself to me as the same yesterday, today, and forever. The prophet said in one of his sermons that when we see the Light, we should go proclaiming to the world like the woman at the well, proclaiming, “Come see a man who told all about me!”

As a result of this, I humbly write to VGR to please provide me with some Message tracts about the prophets restored in The Son of Man's Ministry, for the prophet said we should preach what the Message says and not inject our own ideas. I and some brothers want to embark on evangelism on campus and surrounding villages.

Your Brother,

Koffie Be-nice
