God is so mindful. It was a Friday morning in Edmonton, and we are experiencing a pretty heavy snowfall. The roads aren't icy, but the slush is making it so everyone is a little more careful of how they drive.
I packed up my 11-month-old son, and we headed out to spend the day at a friend's house. I've never been too nervous about winter driving, so I was in pretty good spirits about the drive there. As usual, though, I said a little prayer before I left my house; just for protection on the roads. I was about 3/4 of the way to my destination, my son was asleep, and I was listening to the news. I got a feeling that I needed to turn the radio off, so I did, and I started singing some hymns. I normally never sing while I'm driving by myself, so I wasn't sure why I got the feeling to do it this time.
About three minutes later, I went to change lanes so I could take my exit. When I did, my vehicle lost traction on the slush, and I was suddenly spinning in circles in the middle of the highway during busy morning traffic. I did three full circles, and then my car just started sliding sideways across two lanes. I just gripped the steering wheel and prayed for God to help my baby. I looked to my left, and there were two trucks and a semi headed straight for my vehicle, myself and my baby were on the side of impact. By the Grace of God, my car hit a patch of snow in the one lane, and it spun my car around, and I headed into the ditch just before the vehicles reached me.
I got out of my car, fell to my knees in the snow and thanked the Lord. My son, my vehicle, and myself were all perfectly fine. A kind man stopped and helped me get my car back on the highway. I have never been so scared in my life. But more than that, when I turned and saw the vehicles headed for me, I just remembered the song I had been singing just minutes before, "Can't you see why I'm happy, I've accepted the Word of the Lord." In the midst of my terror, I felt peace. He was so near to me. I am so thankful for his watchful eye that protected my little one and me.
Sister Joella