Acts 19 Bookmarks

We have an exciting new product for the Bride of Christ!

Brother Branham was referring to the prayer cloth ministry when he said, “the greatest amount of miracles that I know of being done, is by the mail.” Countless numbers of these little cloths have been sent around the world over the years, and just like Acts 19 states, the people have received their healing. If the Word of God is Eternally true, then we know the prayer cloth ministry is as powerful today as it was when the Book of Acts was written.

We manufactured these two bookmarks to securely hold your prayer cloth in Acts 19, so it will always be easy to find and ready to use. The bookmarks are made from thin leather, and a safety pin is included so you can pin it to your garment as the prophet instructed.

The cost of the leather bookmark with the prayer cloth is $10 plus shipping. You can order online at this link: ORDER BOOKMARKS or call the office, 812.256.1177.

Here is a little more information about the prayer cloths:

The prophet taught us that Paul probably understood that pieces of his garments would produce healing, because Elisha instructed the Shunammite woman to take his staff and place it on her dead son. Elisha knew that everything he placed his hands upon was blessed. We may not have Elisha’s staff, but we have something better: Brother Branham’s own pulpit! The cloths were placed upon the pulpit while a recorded prayer of Brother Branham was played.


Brother Branham asked us to pray with him as he prayed over the cloths in that quote. In obedience to God’s Word, Brother Joseph and Brother Billy Paul also prayed over the cloths.

The bookmark containing the prayer cloth should be placed in Acts 19. When used, Brother Branham instructed us to pin the cloth underneath our garments. Then, we should expect the Lord to heal our bodies, because His Promises never fail!

We wish we could send one of these leather bookmarks to everyone, however, we would be happy to send the prayer cloth (without the bookmark) free-of-charge to anyone who requests it.

And we have one request from you. Brother Branham often asked the people to send in their testimonies after they were healed. Please mail your testimony to us here at VGR (PO Box 950, Jeffersonville, IN, 47131), or email it to us at vogr@branham.org.

The following quote is played while the prayer cloths are on the pulpit.

Now, before I forget it, I want to pray for these handkerchiefs now. Now, not only do I want to pray; I want you to pray with me, each one of you. This is somebody’s daddy waiting for these, somebody’s mother, and they’re dear to someone. And they’re God’s children, believers. So let’s pray together.

Our Heavenly Father, we humbly come to Thee as a group of believing people. Thou has said in Thy Word that, “Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I’ll be in their midst. And what they agree upon as touching one thing and ask, they shall receive, it shall be given to them.”

And now, here’s these handkerchiefs, and we’re taught in the Bible that they took from the body of Saint Paul, handkerchiefs and aprons; unclean spirits went out of the people; diseases were healed. And Father, we realize that we’re not Saint Paul, but You’re still Jesus. You’re the One Who healed, not Paul; they recognized that You were with him. And surely, You would not act that way in a time of a crisis, and then when the same thing arises, as I’ve said, You must act the same way.

We’re unworthy to ask this. There’s no good thing about us. But it’s because You have bid us to do it. Just like the serpent on the pole, no virtue in the serpent or pole, but obedience is what brought the results. And may it be so tonight, Father.

Out yonder on the hillside, back over, out behind the mountains, a little mother paces the floor waiting for the handkerchief to come to her sick baby. Poor old blind daddy setting out yonder in a little room tonight, white cane in his hand; he’s heard, “Faith cometh by hearing.” He’s waiting for this handkerchief to return. O God, of the many more in the hospital.

We’re taught in the Bible that You promised the Israelites the promised land, from Canaan to the promised land. And one day when they stepped out of Egypt to take their stand to go to the promised land the Red Sea got in their way. They were backed up by Pharaoh’s army. The mountains and deserts on one side and the Red Sea was in the path. One writer said, “God looked down through that Pillar of Fire with angered eyes. And when He looked upon the Red Sea, it got scared, for it was cutting off the people of God that had the promise. And they were marching on. It got scared and moved back. Israel passed on, on the journey.

O God, tonight, when these handkerchiefs are placed upon the sick and the afflicted, may You look back through the Blood of Jesus with angered eyes; may the diseases that’s holding the people get scared. For the great quake on Easter morning proved that He lives, and may it move back; and may they have the promise of good health as the Bible has given the promise. Grant it, Lord, and it’s for this purpose that we send these handkerchiefs, in the Name of Thy beloved Child, the Lord Jesus. Amen.

56-0421 - "What Visions Are"